Sunday, January 8, 2017

November 18, 2016

Up early on a beautiful day and getting ready to make the crossing.  After breakfast at the Moorings of Carrabelle and a conversation with a German, named Hans, we bought groceries at the local supermarket (IGA).

We backed out of our slip at 9:59 and met the Molly B at exactly 10 A.M., about 25 yards further down.  We quickly passed by Dog Island and were in the open gulf for the first time.

Our plan was to follow Tom and Linda at about 100 yards back.  Now, two and a half hours later, the coastline had completely disappeared in the distance behind us.  Jimmy decided to take a morning walk around the boat and made a video of everything he saw - - - water, which was very blue and rather choppy.

And then, a few minutes before 2 P.M. Jimmy pointed out that the transmission fluid temperature gauge was measuring way over the high reading of 280 degrees.
"WHAAT ? ? ?"
Then I noticed that the tachometer had stopped working.  Jimmy opened the hatch door to the engine compartment to have a look.
"OH MY GOD ! ! ! ! !"
His tone said it all . . . or so I thought until I saw the FEAR on his face.
I looked into the engine compartment, it was half full of water being sloshed and churned around by the belts and pulleys.
"HOLY SHIT . . ."
We gotta go - - - A.S.A.P.
Jimmy called Tom and told him we taking on water - - - a lot of water.  I heard Tom say he was turning around.  While Jimmy was bringing the dinghy around to the side of the Lucky Lady, I went to the cabin, grabbed my duffle bag and whatever was on the table.  I held the dinghy and Jimmy went below and got what he could.  Paddling away you couldn't help noticing the beautiful turquoise water straight below.  When we were safely on board the Molly B, Tom asked Jimmy if he wanted to stay until she sank?  After staring at his boat for 2 or 3 minutes, he told Tom that he wanted to stay.

Tom called the Coast Guard and Jimmy gave them the information he could and answered their questions as to what, when and where.  The four of us watched as the Lucky Lady went lower and lower, rolling from side to side.  As the water covered the right side of the boat, she was pulled under, but only for a moment.  Then she bounced righr back, but only for a moment . . . and dipped under again - - - this time for good.  (Remember those beautiful eyes?)  I swear it looked like she winked.

She was sinking quickly now and only a small part of her top deck was still out of the water.  It was time to go and Jimmy nodded to Tom, who set the Molly B back on course.  We would arrive in Tarpon Springs 20 hours later, thanks (so very much) to Tom and Linda Schmidt.

Sadly, this next chapter has become the last and the Lucky Lady sits offshore, 30 miles southeast of Carrabelle, FL.

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